Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Watching the clock

I'm not a fan of blog posts apologizing for the lack of recent blog posts.  They are as annoying as a poet that writes to bemoan a reluctant pen.  None of that here; the truth is that I have been watching the clock.

The blessing of homeschooling and staying at home with my kids does not preclude the need to be aware of the days and hours as they rush by.  The balance may be all the more delicate because I have taken on the responsibility of home education.  Perhaps I could just stop, slacken the self discipline, and let plans and goals scatter to the ground like autumn leaves.  The consequences would not be immediate, in fact, I might even be able to delude myself that this new approach is superior, but the consequences would come in due time.

There has been much buzz among homeschoolers in my circle about an article in which the author, a college professor, states that he believes homeschooling would be the best option for his yet-unborn daughter.  In the end, he is honest that it probably won't happen.  Time is one of his worries.  Some see a selfish man who did not want to make the sacrifices necessary, but I see something else.  He is counting the cost, and he is insecure.  In my mind, only a fool would not stop to count the cost, and only a deluded person would face this responsibility without trepidation.   Time.  Oh yes, it will cost you.  I'm ok with it, even if it means fewer blog updates.

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